James Skoufis, what does Public Service mean to you?

Our Democratic State Senator was kind enough to favor The Cornwall Democrat with thoughts on public service.


“Being the son of an immigrant, having spent the first many years of my life in New York City Public Housing and being only one generation removed from food stamps, I understand what it means to struggle. I know what it means to live paycheck to paycheck or worse. I saw the ways in which our government could help people get out of terrible situations, and more importantly, give us the ability to attain a prosperous future. Without a social safety net - I find it hard to believe that I would be where I am today. To me, public service means many things, but first and foremost, it means being a leader who people can trust, whether that means trusting that you are working with their best interests at heart or trusting that you are speaking the truth on the issues that matter most to them. Regardless of how one chooses to serve, be it a teacher or police officer, answering the call-to-serve means that people need to be able to rely on you, and that is not something I take lightly.

“Having a seat at the table comes with many responsibilities, and with those responsibilities must come a commitment to honesty and action. Sometimes, that means making a difficult decision or having a difficult conversation. Regardless, I always remember that my job is to give a loud voice to the members of my community, especially those who are often ignored and to work diligently on behalf of all my constituents.

“It is of utmost importance to me that I do what is within my power to ensure that our government enacts fair and representative legislation for all New Yorkers. Each experience that I have in our district continues to drive me to devote myself to public service even more. As public servants of all kinds, we must work together to dedicate ourselves to the community as best as we possibly can to move the needle of society towards a world that is more inclusive, safe, fair, and free for all. That is what public service means to me.”