Erica Nichols, what does Public Service mean to you?

Our 2019 candidate for Receiver of Taxes described her vision of public service for The Cornwall Democrat.


“Public service is my opportunity to give back, my chance to be the voice for those who are without one; the time I am most able to use my ability to lift up another human being; to defend their human rights and beliefs that we are all afforded but not always equally given. It is my duty as a human being to leave this earth better than I found it; To have spoken up for the voiceless, to defend the defenseless. It is the unspoken deed that often matters most to those in need. When I leave this world I must go knowing I left trying to help my fellow man no matter his faith, color, orientation, bank account or street address but that we both breathed the same air, bleed the same, shared the same planet and their fight was my fight, their life mattered to me. They are my community, giving back to them is my honor and done with such gratitude for what I am taught and humbled by. This is my definition of public and community service: gratitude to serve one’s community and to be humbled by the experience."