Hello New York 18!
Well, it’s official! We have a Congressman in the house (also in the House). Pat Ryan was sworn in last week and is now serving as the Representative for NY-19. A big congratulations to Pat and the whole campaign team. Now let’s do it again in NY-18!
Pat Ryan (foreground) poses with his favorite truck. Pointy building(?) in background
News you ask? News about Pat Ryan? Oh, you mean other than getting a standing ovation from House Democrats on Wednesday after being sworn in? Yeah, there’s some other news.
Pat has been busy as always, campaigning hard while working the new job. In his first week he joined the Pro-Choice Caucus, was appointed to his first committee (House Armed Services Committee), and successfully navigated the corridors of power to find the coffee machine. In local news, he was recently hosted at the Dutchess Democratic Women’s Breakfast. Pat was also listed as a Candidate for the Common Good and attended the Arlington street fair in beautiful Dutchess County, where we can only assume he ate his weight in funnel cakes (waiting for full confirmation from HQ).
Pat with Democratic Women from Dutchess.
What’s Next
Thank you to everyone who took part in the Weekend of Action. Canvassing is so vital to this campaign. That kind of 1-1 contact has been proven to be the best, most reliable method to increase voter turnout. And in a Midterm election, turnout is basically the whole ballgame. If you’ve canvassed for Pat before, fantastic! If this will be your first time ever, also great! Sign up for a shift today, and let’s knock those doors!
Northern Dutchess County
Poughkeepsie: Saturday, September 24th, 11:00-2:00 pm RSVP HERE!
Town of Poughkeepsie: Saturday, September 24th, 2:00-5:00 pm RSVP HERE!
Hyde Park: Sunday, September 25th, 11:00-2:00 pm RSVP HERE!
Southern Dutchess County
Beacon: Saturday, September 24th, 11:00-2:00 pm RSVP HERE!
Fishkill: Saturday, September 25th, 2:00-5:00 pm RSVP HERE!
Wappingers Falls: Sunday, September 25th, 11:00-2:00 pm RSVP HERE!
Orange County
Woodbury: Tuesday September 27th, 5:00-8:00 pm RSVP HERE!
Cornwall: Saturday, October 1st, 11:00-2:00 pm RSVP HERE!
Washingtonville: Wednesday, October 5th, 5:00-8:00 pm RSVP HERE!
Phone Banks (join from anywhere!)
Monday, September 19th, 6:00-8:00 RSVP HERE!
Wednesday, September 21st, 6:00-8:00 pm RSVP HERE!
Monday, September 26th, 6:00-8:00 pm RSVP HERE!
Get Involved
Grab a buddy and sign up for a canvassing shift, or grab a drink and sign up to phonebank. We need all hands on deck, so pitch in where and when you can.
For even more options, fill out a volunteer Sign-up form HERE. Or if you happen to have more time to dedicate to the work of democracy, fill out the Campaign Fellowship/Internship application HERE.
We need to keep fuel in the engine of this campaign–help us out by donating HERE. And pick up a Pat Ryan Yard Sign for your yard. Talk to your friends and neighbors. Pat has never been shy about the fight he’s fighting for us–let’s not be shy about ours either.
(Democratic) Party Girls!
Ulster County Field Organizer: Ariel Schwartz, ariel@nydems.org
Northern Dutchess County Field Organizer: Zach Brower zbrower@dccc.org
Southern Dutchess Field Organizer: Nick Shimkin shimkin@dccc.org
Orange County Field Organizer: Nate Depaul depaul@dccc.org
Orange County Field Organizer: Logan Gonzalez logan@nydems.org
Student Outreach Program Director/Dutchess Lead: Amir Turner turner@dccc.org
Campaign Coordination/Orange & Ulster County Lead: Leah Goldman leah@nydems.org
Organizing Director: Katey Sabo sabo@dccc.org
Questions about how to vote? Where to go? Unsure about the lines? Call NY Voter Protection Hotline.
Main Line: 1-888-369-8683 (888-3NY-VOTE)
Spanish Line: 1-888-369-8682 (888-3NY-VOTE)
Mon-Fri: 9am-8pm
Sat-Sun: 10am -7pm
Election Day (August 23rd): 6am-9pm
Canvass in Poughkeepsie, Town of Poughkeepsie, or Hyde Park!
Canvass in Beacon, Fishkill, or Wappingers Falls!
Canvass in Woodbury, Cornwall, or Washingtonville!
Or grab that phone and do a little phonebanking!
Donate HERE and keep this campaign going!
Fight on!
—Valerie from HQ