Democratic Presidential Primary Reinstated June 23: Absentee Voting Encouraged

From the Orange County Democratic Committee:

It is now confirmed that NYS Democratic presidential primary will take place on June 23rd. The United States 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the lower court ruling that the June 23rd Democratic primary could not be cancelled by the Board of Elections. The NYS BOE will not appeal the 2nd Circuit decision. 

Please consider voting via absentee ballot. Although polling sites will be open on Primary Elections Day and during the new early voting periods, every voter is entitled to vote absentee based on the threat of exposure to the coronavirus.

The Orange County Board of Elections is sending every eligible Democratic Party voter an absentee ballot application, with an accompanying return postage paid envelop. Please fill out that application and send that document back to the Orange County Board of Elections to receive your ballot for the primary.

When applying to vote by absentee, check the box for “Temporary illness or physical disability” with no requirement for in-person signature or appearance to be able to access an absentee ballot.

Absentee Applications are DUE TUESDAY June 16th. This means the application must be postmarked or dropped off at the Board of Elections in Goshen by hand by- and on- TUESDAY JUNE 16th.

Delivery of absentee ballots to voters still remains the same—via mail or in person. There is no change in the return methods: mail or in person.