Here to Serve? Whaddaya mean?


Perhaps you’ve seen our HTS badge on our literature and emails this election season and wondered what we mean.

It’s a couple of things:

First, we, the Democratic Committee volunteers of Cornwall, are here to help you to vote and keep you informed. You might not realize it, but we’re technically volunteer public servants, elected to represent all the registered Democrats in our individual Town districts when we convene as part of the Orange County Democratic Committee. We’re here to serve you, the voters who make us proud to be members of this party. And, hey, our members even do traditional “community service,” whether it’s shifts at the Food Bank, buying meals for COVAC during the pandemic, cleaning up Continental Avenue, or driving seniors on errands. Service takes many forms. If you need us, we’ll be there

But more than that, it’s about our ideals as Democrats: the candidates who run on our party line are usually doing it because they want to help their fellow citizens. When you see James Skoufis’s record, you know he’s here to help. If you’re one of Sarita Bhandarkar’s clients, you understand the care she takes to make your life better. Maybe Paul Trachte presided over the case of a family member or friend, and you saw the compassion embodied in the Mental Health court he leads. Now, we know that no political party lives up to its ideals every day. But the thing that sets our party apart, right now, is that we’re trying. The other party offers nothing but chaos, division, and fear.

So we’re here to serve, and we will continue to to do so from now till November 3, and beyond.