Closing Argument: Sarita Bhandarkar

Elections are always important but voting in 2020 has more meaning than ever. Hudson Valley families have heroically responded to our uniquely challenging times – from our front-line workers, to first responders that serve in our area and beyond, to parents who jumped in to new roles for their children, citizens of our community are fighting hard to keep us safe and productive. Tragically, for the last two years, the 99th District has been abandoned by an ineffective Assemblyman who doesn’t share that fight. He has spent his time pandering to the anti-voting, anti-woman, anti-immigrant extremes of his base, and left our communities without a seat at the table in the Assembly.

You deserve better. I’ve dedicated my career to ensuring that the people of Orange and Rockland counties get a fair shake, and on day one of my term, I’ll be bringing the fight back for our District. I will fight for access to affordable health care, lower property taxes and thoughtful development that benefits our citizens, not special interests. Working with the majority and colleagues across the aisle, I’ll create the effective, common-sense solutions that the people of our community deserve.

With your support, we can meet today’s challenges together and steer the Hudson Valley towards an even greater future.
