Congressman Sean Patrick Maloney for NY-18: Principled, Professional, and Smart

Sean was elected to represent the Hudson Valley in 2012. He quickly built a reputation for working across party lines to invest in and improve our infrastructure, strengthen the health and financial security of America's retirees, and keep the United States safe and free. He successfully won tax relief for small businesses in the Hudson Valley that bring good jobs to our area, and brought investments to our communities that improve our schools, make our highways and Metro North safer and more reliable, and hire more police and firefighters and give them the resources they need to keep us safe.

In the current Congress, Mr. Maloney has been unsparing in his opposition to the corruption and ineptitude of the presidential administration while still working to find common ground within the House. Many will remember his pointed and effective questioning of Gordon Sondland, Trump’s ambassador to the EU, during the impeachment hearings. Further, his passionate defense of his family and stance against LGBTQ discrimination—more relevant today than ever—makes us proud to have him as our Congressman.

Learn more about Congressman Maloney here.