Cornwall Leads Orange County in Voter Turnout

Cornwall has many charms that draw residents here from near and far and keeps many natives from leaving – at least permanently. Whether it’s the schools; the scenery or the proximity to NYC, West Point and the Catskills that brought/keeps us here Cornwall’s citizens are passionate about our town.

That passion was manifested in the highest voter turnout rate in Orange County this past November 6. What’s more is that the rate at which Cornwall Democrats came to the polls was higher than the combined rate of the town’s registered Republicans and Conservatives combined (70.9% to 69.4%). It’s a small but significant edge. 

It’s significant in that this is the first time Cornwall Democrats proved to be more motivated than our GOP counterparts. This is the town that has historically left nearly half of the elected positions go uncontested because it was taken for granted that Republicans had a lock on Cornwall government, in spite of our Town having elected a Democratic Supervisor.

A more comprehensive assessment of the election results and their implications from the CDC’s Data Subcommittee will appear in the January edition.