The Races to Win in 2019

The time to begin planning is here. We as Democrats must never again let opportunitiy take us by surprise. We need a pool of potential candidates. That pool must include newcomers.

As the leaders of our party in Cornwall it is up to the CDC to recruit and support the talent that will become our next round of elected officials. But is up to you to step up too. 

One way to start is to become engaged. Talk to your neighbors and friends. Encourage everyone to register and vote, especially Democrats. Then make sure you vote too. In every election – school board, Town/Village, primary elections (yes, all of the contested primaries), general elections in off-years as well as in mid-term and Presidential years. Attend our meetings. You don’t have to be one of the 28 voting members of the CDC to contribute ideas, or to run for office.

There are seven races in the Town of Cornwall in 2019: Town Supervisor, three seats on the Town Council, Town Clerk, Receiver of Taxes and Town Justice. In recent elections the Town Clerk, Receiver of Taxes and Town Justice were unopposed by a Democratic challenger. This will change in 2019.

Village elections in Cornwall on Hudson will be held in March. While non-partisan in Democrat vs. Republican terms the CDC can endorse and support candidates.

Then there is 2020 which, in electoral terms, is not as far off as it seems.

The CDC is about more than getting democrats elected too. We’re also about values and doing good work in the community. Remember that “All politics is local”. Let us know what you think is important. What  motivates your better instincts. Follow us on Facebook and let us know. You can also contact the Editor of the Cornwall Democrat, Michael Kochler at