September 2018: Skoufis and Rettig Rally for Child Victims Act

Who is the Republican-controlled Senate Protecting?

On Thursday, August 30, 2018, Assemblyman and state senate candidate James Skoufis, assembly candidate Mark Rettig, Orange County Legislator and former republican senate candidate Mike Anagnostakis, survivor Gary Greenberg and area activists held a rally in Cornwall’s Donahue Park for The Child Victims Act. The bill would extend the statute of limitations for criminal charges and civil suits against perpetrators of childhood sexual abuse. Currently survivors have until their 23rd birthday to report such abuse. The bill, passed by large bi-partisan majorities in the New York State Assembly during the last two sessions, would allow criminal prosecution until the survivor is 28 and civil cases until the age of 50.

Many survivors of these heinous acts are not able, for reasons that may include fear of reprisal, humiliation and trauma, to talk about it let alone report it to the authorities for years after. 

For reasons that are not as clear the Republican-controlled state senate has killed the bill without ever bringing it to the floor for a vote. James Skoufis and Matt Rettig vow to continue to fight for the Child Victims Act in January should they win seats in the Senate and Assembly, respectively.