October 2018: Cornwall Dems in the Community

Cleaning Up History

Five local Democrats removed trash, weeds and debris from a Washington's headquarters site on a September Sunday at dawn. The River Road site in New Windsor was the scene of the Washington/Hamilton argument dramatized in "Meet Me Inside" from Hamilton the Musical.


Cleaning Your Streets

In July, 17 volunteers joined the Cornwall Democratic Committee’s first annual street cleanup. The group retrieved approximately 30 pounds of litter along Idlewild Creek / Canterbury Brook and Continental Avenue.


A Head Start

For the first time in recent memory, the Cornwall Democratic Committee this year awarded a scholarship. Charles Hurley, a CCHS graduating senior with aspirations for hospitality management, received the new award based on volunteer activities, academic history, and a clear-eyed focus on career ambitions. The $500 award was announced at the high school.  

Floating for Liberty

This year’s Democratic Committee July 4 float celebrated the Statue of Liberty, with a home-made replica torch and banners proclaiming Emma Lazarus’s famous call: Bring me your tired, your poor / your huddled masses yearning to be free!
