Matt Rettig Shares His Thoughts on a Race Well Run

Following is Matt Rettig’s statement to the Orange County Democratic Committee:

I'm proud of the campaign we ran, and it couldn't have happened without the efforts of the people in this room, and I'll always be grateful for that. I am now as I was back in June: a concerned citizen dreading the thought of two years under an incompetent, ineffective Assemblyman who, frankly, doesn't share our values. I'm just like I was back in June, that is, EXCEPT to say that Dyanna and I have made relationships with amazing people doing amazing work all throughout Orange County and our urge to serve our community has only been stoked by meeting so many heroes. So whether it's me or another proud Democrat taking back this seat in two years, I hope my campaign laid the groundwork for us to realize what is possible even in areas we were told were "hopeless" or "solidly red." 

We Democrats are on the right side of the issues, and on the right side of history. We need only to tell our story and people will see that government can--and must--work for ALL of us. I can look forward to carrying on this work with you, and Dyanna and I thank you all once again for your efforts.