September 2018: An update from Rettig for Assembly

By Justyn T.

It's been a great month for the Matt Rettig campaign. Our volunteers have knocked on thousands doors and made even more phone calls, including 700 calls on Tuesday night alone. We have direct mail hitting close to twice a week and our opponent is making strategic mis-steps left and right. From Colin Schmitt's callous decision to accept thousands of dollars in campaign funds from Verla International, a corporation whose recklessness led to hundreds of injuries and a man's death, to the Town of New Windsor's proposal to raise taxes by almost 10%, our campaign is holding our opponent's feet to the fire for every mistake he makes. It all boils down to a simple statement: Matt Rettig has the message he needs to win. Voters support Matt's message, we need to make sure those voters turn out.

 This is not the time to take our foot off the gas. We need to mobilize every single one of our supporters to go door-to-door, make phone calls, send letters, drive voters to the polls, everything that can get our voters into the polling place on November 6th. It's time for all hands on deck, the Matt Rettig campaign is going into Election Day strong and we need each of you to be a part of it.