July 2018: Stream Cleanup Scheduled for July 21

The Cornwall Democratic Committee will coordinate a volunteer stream cleanup of Idlewild Creek (also known as Canterbury Brook) on the morning of July 21 at 8am.  

“Keeping trash out of our waterways helps keep Cornwall beautiful,” said Jonathan Chase, Committee Chair. “It also keeps litter from washing down into the Hudson River, where it can interfere with our record-setting striped bass fishing!” 

The Committee has put out a call for volunteers for this non-partisan service event. The crew will assemble beside the brook at Chadeayne Circle and Main Street, and proceed upstream alongside the Storm King Golf Club, bagging litter for pickup by the Town of Cornwall. Tools and bags will be provided, but the Committee encourages volunteers to bring their own equipment if desired, such as work gloves, dust masks, safety glasses, and rakes.

“We are grateful to the Town for teaming up to remove and safely dispose of the refuse we collect,” said Virginia Scott, who is coordinating the cleanup. “This is a great opportunity for environmentally-minded kids and anyone who wants to show Cornwall at its best.”