
The Campaign for Our Future

By Jessica Wu

The beginning of this month saw what was one of the most exciting midterm elections in a very long time— certain the most exciting I’ve seen thus far in my own lifetime. Though the results of the election were not unanimously thrilling, there were absolutely several things to celebrate. To name a couple, it was incredibly motivating to see Skoufis, the first candidate I’ve ever campaigned for, emerge victorious against a block vote and Delgado take Faso’s seat.

Beyond these local victories, however, there was undeniably a national ripple across the demographic most personal to me: youth. Thirty-one percent of the youth base turned out to vote, up ten points from the 2014 midterms. Granted, we clearly still have a long way to go, but this change deserves adequate recognition.

These midterms were different for us. College campuses pushed voter registration like never before, and social media enabled us to access news at the tap of a button (for better or worse). This time around, we’ve got skin in the game. We haven’t forgotten the critical movement that followed after Parkland, the ongoing fight for LGBTQ+, gender, and racial equality, and, of course, the erratic man in the White House who’s still got two more years there. It’s our future that’s being shaped right now, and it only makes sense that we have a say in it.

Someone suggested to me last week that perhaps the apathy of youth is justified; we don’t have the lobbying power of corporate adults. Why would politicians prioritize our needs over theirs? It’s hard to argue with that. But Millennials are projected to surpass the Baby Boomers as the largest living adult generation by next year, with Gen X not too far behind— which means we have power at the polls, if we so choose. The harnessing of that undeniably begins in places like the Cornwall Young Democrats. 

We’ve got another upper hand too: passion. Coming of age during a political era that is so divided and new is admittedly scary, but in all truth, it is fire that drives fire. It is passion that drives passion, something I’ve experienced firsthand. We can keep the momentum driving ever-forward, but only if we’re willing to step up and turn those passions into action.

October 23, 2018: Campaigns ready for final push

Watch for a man on bicycle peddling through your neighborhood. It might be Democratic Assembly candidate and avid cyclist Mark Rettig knocking on doors in his effort to meet as many voters in the 99th Assembly District as he can before Election Day. Matt says it’s a quicker way to get around the district that includes Chester and Wawayanda as well as Cornwall and neighboring New Windsor along with Stony Point in Rockland County and five other Orange County towns.

Meanwhile you’ll find Assemblyman and State Senate candidate James Skoufis knocking on doors too, minus the bike.

Both candidates are making the rounds of Meet & Greets, public forums and any other opportunity to meet voters.

Walk into the shared headquarters in the Price Chopper plaza, right next to Brett's True Value, and you’ll find it buzzing with activity. David and Tyler will offer a warm greeting and offer you a chance to volunteer or pick up some lawn signs and buttons. If it’s Tuesday evening it must be Phone Banking for Matt. 

Most evenings and every weekend you’ll see – and hopefully join – the groups of enthusiastic supporters getting their turf assignments for the day’s canvass or making phone calls. 

When you stop in say hello to Justyn, Callie, Brittany and Sean. Unless they’re out canvassing too.

The best way to keep up with the fast pace of the campaigns is to like and follow the Facebook pages of each campaign: www.facebook.com/RettigForAssembly/  and www.facebook.com/JamesSkoufis/

To volunteer you can reach out to Amy Bandolik, Volunteer Coordinator or Michael Kochler, Phone Bank Coordinator. They’d love to hear from you! 


A Word from our Chairman

By Jon Chase, CDC Chairman
We represent the Democratic Party in the Town of Cornwall.  Our members are chosen every two years by Democratic voters in Cornwall’s 14 Election Districts, and we represent those voters on the Orange County Democratic Committee, in addition to facilitating Democratic Party functions in our Town.  

  • Some of the things we do include:

  • assisting residents with voter registration;

  • petitioning to get our candidates for public office on the ballot; 

  • recruiting, assisting and serving as Election Inspectors for our Party; 

  • recruiting, training and serving as Democratic poll-watchers on Election Day; 

  • assisting our Party’s candidates in communicating with our voters; and

  • assisting our voters in communicating with candidates and elected officials.

WE ARE ADVOCATES FOR GOOD GOVERNMENT.  We believe that includes being watchdogs over our tax dollars, guardians of community resources and our environment, stewards of historical traditions and assets, and promoters of our local economy.

WE ARE PROUD OF the work our candidates have done since their election in 2015 and 2017 to restore the Sands-Ring homestead, to enact needed zoning controls for the undeveloped land in Cornwall, to update the Town’s Comprehensive Plan, to update and invest in the Town’s sewage-treatment facility, and generally to protect Cornwall’s traditions, values and environment, while doing it all openly and transparently and always considering the cost to the taxpayers.


  • liking our “Cornwall Democratic Committee” Facebook page;

  • adding your email address to our distribution list;

  • making a donation to the “Cornwall Democratic Committee”;

  • attending our meetings and sharing your ideas;

  • working on some of our many party projects and events;

  • supporting our candidates; and



Democratically yours,
Your Cornwall Democratic Committee